Monday, March 27, 2006

New quote of the week!

Bron suggested that it was a time for a new TV Quote of the Week, and I had to agree. So today we have a classic from Debate Camp, one of my favourite West Wing episodes, notable because it doesn't come from season one or two. For those of you who haven't seen the episode, 'Team Toby' is the name Charlie gives to the 'project' to get Toby's ex-wife Andi to marry him again.

CHARLIE: Josh and Sam talked to me. I'm on board.
TOBY: With what?
CHARLIE: Team Toby.
TOBY: See, I lent voice to thought and that was my mistake.... I get it.
CHARLIE: Do you? Because this is about love.
TOBY: I think you have a different motivation.
CHARLIE: Laughs?
TOBY: Yes.
CHARLIE: Sure, but also as much love really as I think either of us would be comfortable with.
- Debate Camp

1 comment:

Mads said...

I think it's funny, but maybe that's just because I can hear Charlie saying it in my head, and he's a pretty cool guy. But come on - "as much love really as I think either of us would be comfortable with"? That's hilarious!