Thursday, October 07, 2004

Why I don't use livejournal

I once had a blog on livejournal (actually it's probably still around here somewhere), because well, that's what people do sometimes. I always liked some parts of livejournal, particularly the concept of the friends list and the way that they did the user info pages. But my god, their system seem to fall over a hell of a lot, like it just did tonight. Which is a pity, because I was in the mood for some bad fanfic, and no self-respecting fanfic author is without a livejournal.

Also, another reason I'm with blogger, apart from the fact that the whole thing seems more stable and that I really can't be bothered moving over? Someone, something or whatever must have seen my thing on post count problems, because viola! It's been fixed and I am now up to 146 posts. Yay for blogger fixing my problems, however inadvertent it may have been.

(I missed 6 hours of class today and instead went shopping. I'm concerned about my lack of guilt...)


Anonymous said...

hey mads

"I missed 6 hours of class today and instead went shopping. I'm concerned about my lack of guilt"

is not a good sign near the end of the year.... i have been a student for 1.5 years, 22 semesters, and have had similar experiences....

just caught you on the distributed proofreaders site on the aussie page but it has been nearly two months since you did any..... do you feel guilty about that as well, (blatent attempt to shame you into doing more benificial stuff with your time wasting :) ).


Anonymous said...

you probably know of her already but i thought that if you didnt you might like the music of this chick

particularly download the (big) mp3 of "self-evident"

Mads said...

just caught you on the distributed proofreaders site on the aussie page but it has been nearly two months since you did any..... do you feel guilty about that as well, (blatent attempt to shame you into doing more benificial stuff with your time wasting :) ).Hmm, benificial time wasting? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose? :) Nah, I'd love to do some more DP stuff, but just doing one page can suck up my download quota something terrible - basically, it's too expensive for me to do at uni. But when I'm back home and I don't have to pay... well then I'll (finally) do something benificial with my time!