Saturday, February 26, 2005

lazy mornings

I'm having trouble building up the enthusiasm required to write stuff here. Guess it'll come back when my first assessment is due and the serious procrastination begins...

Pretty lazy Saturday morning so far. It's been ridiculously hot up here in Canberra-land, so I haven't been sleeping much. Hence me getting up at 7.30 this morning, a time unheard of in me-land on a Saturday. Spent an hour and a half at breakfast reading the papers (didn't get the Review section in The Australian, which was annoying - they have a really good tv section these days), so that was good. Then half an hour on the phone to the parental-figures. And for the last hour I've been doing 'net stuff' - catching up on what's been going on.

A lot of the stuff I read had to do with Jason Kottke and his decision to do as a full-time job. I'm a big fan of the website and, well, more power to him if he thinks he can do it. I hope he starts posting a bit more regularly now - not just the links, but the 'regular' written ones as well. Personally I think the quality of the whole thing degraded a little after the whole Ken Jennings/Sony debacle, which is understandable I suppose. I'm thinking of donating, but US$30 (the suggested donation) is tad steep me thinks for a poor Aussie student...

So yeah, there's my morning. Might go shopping this afternoon, if I don't melt when I walk out the door...

(and the blog returns, to document my immensely boring life...)

PS Rock on Bron for coming to visit me yesterday! Bron rocks!

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