Thursday, May 05, 2005

Bringing along baby

A mature age student brings her baby to a tutorial because she couldn't get a babysitter. The baby is on the whole well-behaved, but is still pretty bloody distracting. Is this an acceptable thing to do?



Anonymous said...

It is sickening how everyone just thinks that because they have a dependent they can just bring them wherever they like. People with babies and small children are going to be seen as smokers in the next couple of years. No small children and babies in cinemas, restaurants, public buildings etc. Only you like them , everyone else thinks they're annoying doesn't matter how well behaved they are as just one sound can cut through you like a guillotine through a frenchman's neck.

I say chain them up to a railing outside just like you would a bicycle - if that sounds heartless don't give me the 'I didn't realise I had a lecture' excuse you've been going to uni for four years you dick!!


Russell Allen

Anonymous said...

It is sickening how everyone just thinks that because they have a dependent they can just bring them wherever they like. People with babies and small children are going to be seen as smokers in the next couple of years. No small children and babies in cinemas, restaurants, public buildings etc. Only you like them , everyone else thinks they're annoying doesn't matter how well behaved they are as just one sound can cut through you like a guillotine through a frenchman's neck.

I say chain them up to a railing outside just like you would a bicycle - if that sounds heartless don't give me the 'I didn't realise I had a lecture' excuse you've been going to uni for four years you dick!!


Russell Allen